Meet Beth Davies, our photographer!

We recently revealed Beth Davies as our photographer. Missed the post? Catch up here (and why not follow us while you’re at it) or stay put as we share how she became part of our team.

Beth’s a talented amateur photographer with autism and her dream since a young age has been to photograph at a professional level.

She became an official voluntary member of Team UnLimbited last year when due to some unforeseen circumstances she unfortunately had to leave college early. This is when we decided to give Beth an opportunity to continue to do what she loved best.

Without stating the obvious, Beth photographs each arm so that we have a steady stream of fantastic photographs to share on social media!

Check out some examples of her work below:

As a charity passionate about helping people with a disability, we're also happy to shine the spotlight on other disabilities when we can, not only those with limb differences.

We’re huge believers in people having the opportunity to achieve whatever they want when they put their mind to it, no matter what the circumstances are.

Beth is a perfect example of this and so is our #NotSoLimbited movement where we highlight some of our favourite people with limb differences from TV and film, sport and history – if these icons don’t motivate you, then we don’t know what will!

If you want to get in touch with Beth, please email and we’ll pass on the message.

Team UnLimbited